You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacation message. This tells you who is speaking and what the situation is.
You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacation message. During the conversation, the woman makes the point that A criticism of current presenters is hardly ever justified. The woman says Part 3 Questions 14-19 You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course. Well, I’ve been skimming through what you’ve written while we’ve been talking, SECTION 4. in a car. It also tells you how Answer & Audioscript. 11 tobacco 12 ten-day course. Last summer vacation, I took a part-time course in writing fiction for children. You hear two people talking about a water-sports Listen to Sarah and Matthew talking about the people they met at a party. Woman: This is an amazing portrait, isn’t it?You feel as though the woman is really looking at you. 1 Who is Jenny’s brother?. What does the man say about it? 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C. 8 B 9 C 10 B 11 C 12 B 13 B. 17 You will hear a boy talking about his history project. You will hear a man talking about the Statue of Liberty. Man: I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr Owen tomorrow morning, please. Good evening, everyone. When you hear the bell, get up from your desks (6) but you mustn’t run anywhere. 19 F/fri(day). . To me this indicates they either are insecure and trying to impress you, they’re not seeing you as a human being and are shallowly taking you as an accessory, etc. The man thinks A their daughter wouldn’t enjoy it. 6 You hear a woman talking about moving to Scotland. 14 Greenland. And finally, there’s the ‘Amitron Eco’. I bought this sweater last week and wore it once, and it’s shrunk in the wash. However, don’t get in over your head. Why are they talking about eating healthy food? A They’ve just read about it. Tell us your views on it. 1 What music will they have at the party?. Where is the speaker? the information is unsuitable. Man: Well, last winter I took a job in a supermarket SECTION 1: Questions 1 to 5 (10 points) You will hear a woman called Laura and a man called Karl talking about living away from home whilst studying at university. 00pm 16 computer(s). Two people are talking about some lights in the sky called the aurora borealis, also called the northern lights. 8 You will hear a man talking to his wife about a podcast. 18 great embarrassment. 1 You are in a large electrical shop when you overhear this man describing a washing machine. You will hear Mona talking to her husband Ken about their holiday. 16 You will hear a teacher talking to a student. Talk/Lecture 2. Man: All 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 C. But you can play the piano for us. 5 What will the man do this winter? Woman: Will you go on working as a gardener when winter comes, Jim? You’ll get very cold and wet working outside. 16 most unlikely. Did you turn off the lights upstairs? Man: Yes, but wait a minute – I can hear the radio in the kitchen. 17 You will hear a man talking to his friend on the phone. The sales training session was supposed to be taking place on Thursday afternoon, in which case I could have caught the 10 a. 1 What must the man turn off?. You telephone a surgery and hear this answer-phone message. C He was inexperienced. Don’t forget your student ID, will you? They always ask to see it before they give you the student discount. First you will have some time to You will hear people talking in eight different situations. What does he say about her work? A Her homework and project were both excellent. Let’s just play your new CDs. Listen and complete questions 21-25. He’s not free at all tomorrow. 19 You will hear a woman talking to her 6 run 7 exit 8 building 9 gym 10 1. 00 (hours) 5. Why does You will hear a student called Ahmet Kaya talking about his vacation job, which involves working at night. [*]lan: Hello, could I speak to Diana, please? Woman: She’s not in at the moment. 15. Why does the man ask if the weather on the vacation was cloudy? 2. 5 A 6 A 7 C 8 B. There are also some useful tips Video 2 Watch to see what to expect in the Listening Part 1 exam. Tips & example test Video 3 Listening Practice – similar to Listening Part 1 Video 4 42 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A. 2 You hear a man talking on his mobile phone. Girl: But I have! And I’ve even cleaned my shoes. I prefer to talk to someone when I’m making a booking – just leave it to me. Woman: Yes, I’m really excited too. 18 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about work. T/F 2. You have reached the East Street Surgery answering service. This wasn’t the bottleneck you get when you come off the motorway, and anyway we were travelling towards London, not away from it. Jack, is that right – you started out taking photos of street signs? Jack: That’s right. A will need to widen his topic area. I = Introducer J = Jane. You will hear a man talking on the telephone about a party. Hello, 776651 Yes, speaking. I’d like this sweater, but you’ve only got a size 44 here. Man: How much is it?. 1. Karl says it’s been difficult finding somewhere to live. They get a lot of tourists around there, so they’re used to speaking English. I suppose I’ll have to have the morning appointment then. 1 You hear a man and a woman talking about a The old, print-friendly test Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 1 You hear a woman speaking about her career. 1 Which day is the man’s appointment?. It’s been a while since I went to the theatre. Where did his additional funding come from? A the local bank. You will hear the recording TWICE. First you will hear a short conversation: Next you will read three questions with four possible answers: 1. You can learn some useful questions, words and phrases to use when talking 1. You’ll notice right away that it’s a more expensive model but, in the long run, it’ll cut a substantial slice off your family’s electricity and You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Videos Video 1 Video explaining Listening Part 1. For each question, put a tick (v) in the correct box. B She learned a lot of new things. 3 You hear a woman at the hairdresser’s. Leave all your things behind yes, that includes bags, phones, everything. Man: Can you give her a message for me?. EFSET TEST, Listenning Part: You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacations. I’m calling about the flat that you have to rent on Green Street. Woman: That’s Thursday. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C). This is a multiple-choice 4. There is an English Literature course, which will deal with 20th-century writers and poets. Part 2 Questions 8-13 You will hear a man called Paul Hart talking about his trip to Africa with a team of scientists. m. C The dry cleaner’s didn’t give him his suit. A) Sunny. Woman 9 Bristol 10 alcohol. 30 / half past eleven/ eleven thirty. B go to a different shop. You will hear a man and a woman talking about a room in the man's house. B it would be useful for their daughter’s studies. 00:00. What about Friday afternoon? If not, it will have to be Monday morning. Choose the best answer for each questions. She IELTS Listening 2 - Section 1. B has forgotten about part of the process. The film, which tells you all about the plants and animals in that wonderful country, has won a A man and a woman are talking at the office. 8 B 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 B 13 A. 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 A. 7 You hear a man telling a friend about his work. C hasn’t done enough background reading. First you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40. B) To find out if the woman experienced any bad weather. 14 artists 15 12th July 16 Fridays. 13 want no more. What are the man and woman mainly discussing? A) A vacation. J: Well, actually, the people attending Man: Did you speak any Italian? Woman: No, not really. For questions 19-23 , choose from the list ( A-H ) what each speaker wants to do Choice A is mentioned, but the man is asking if she needs to take a "vacation day". 17 trained personnel. Can I take a message? lan: Yes, please. 15 Five/5 o’clock (p. Int: Jack Salter is a young Canadian who has just won the young photographer of the year competition. Who is his message for? A a teacher B his secretary C his wife. Where has the woman just been? A at the shops B at the cinema C in a cafe. What animal did he ride? Woman: What was it like? Man: Fantastic! You’re high up, so it’s scary! Woman: Are they friendly? Man: Not really, and they smell! But they’re so strong. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). First, you have some time to You will hear a phone conversation between a man from a travel agency and a woman who wants to make travel and accommodation arrangements for a trip. Man: So, are you ready for the theatre this evening?I can’t wait. C was listening to music when the man called. For questions 9-18 , complete the sentences. B He was irresponsible. Man: Well, we’ll go on a bit further, then. 8 You will hear two people talking about a painting. C go on a training course. 2. Act normally when you eventually talk. C Her project was good, but her homework was better. Yes, that’s right It’s a Wattari 76C Gamemaster Deluxe and it’s never been used erm, it was a present from an aunt in the States who doesn’t realise how old I am Jones: No, you don’t, and what you are planning to do is often the best way to go about it. You hear a man talking on the phone about 1 You hear two TV critics talking about presenters of science programmes. 19 21 / twenty-one 20 photograph(s) / photo(s). Woman: Will you drive your car to the airport or go by Can you give me your credit card number Listening Part 5 Questions 21-25. How was the weather most of the time on the woman's vacation? Gauth AI Solution Super Gauth AI. Karl has had problems studying in another . Questions 11-15. Woman: You were going so fast that I didn’t see it. Part 3 Questions 14-19 You will hear a woman talking about flights in a hot 6 12th 7 730 8 drinks 9 morning 10 beginners. I need some smart shoes for my new job. Man: That’s fine. Audioscript. train into London. Man: But we passed that lake only two minutes ago. Man: I hear your brother got the job, Jenny. 2 You overhear a woman leaving a telephone message. Tone F: James, you saw the play The Lantern at the theatre last week. Man: It’s broken. C TV audiences prefer presenters who are celebrities. Man: I know. 16 You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food. Woman: Oh dear. Man: Can I help you? Girl: Yes, please. You will hear a lecturer giving a talk on managing creativity in a business. Pause . A man and woman are talking. M: 16 HYDE 17 factory 18 11. Please do not go back to the check-in desks, as staff there are very busy. Where has the man been? Woman: Oh, you’re back. You will hear Susanna leaving a phone message for her mother. Answer. Woman: Brown’s Builders, good afternoon. I’d like to speak to Miss Dixon, please. Listen to a tour guide talking to some visitors at a museum about the BBC computer. Man: Good afternoon. /in the afternoon) 5 pm 17. The equipment is very modern, and everything is very clean and smart. Yes, that’s right It’s a Wattari 76C Gamemaster Deluxe and it’s never been used erm, it was a present from an aunt in the States who doesn’t realise how old I am You will hear people talking in eight different situations. The woman suggests 17 You will hear a man and a woman talking. Why is the speaker calling? A to confirm some arrangements B to issue an invitation C to persuade someone to do something. News travels fast in a small village, I suppose, so 11 You will hear two people talking about a gym. Listen to a woman talking about bamboo. Woman: I’m afraid she’s not in the office at the moment. As is always the case, each course lasts four weeks. Man: I can’t come any afternoon. The trip starts on the second of January and lasts for ten days, so we’ll be away until the twelfth of January. ) , () ) Talking about Holidays – exercise 2 Talking about Holidays – exercise 4 Woman: You can’t go out, Ruby, if you haven’t finished your school work. I’m afraid. Did you have a good time? Man: Well, Barney fell into the water and got wet, so then he 1 You hear a man talking about how his business became successful. Man: If you want to study an interesting subject this summer, and improve your English at the same time, Highbury College is offering three very good courses. 9 You will hear two friends talking about a new mobile phone. Can you go and turn it off and I’ll start the car? 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B. Jenny: Good idea!And after that, we can go to the shoe shop on the corner. I can hardly get it over my head, it’s so small now. Before each section of the Listening Module, you hear a short introduction. You will 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B. 1 You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. This tells you who is speaking and what the situation is. Talk/Lecture 1. Woman: What do you think of the new gym in town? Man: It’s great! I’ve been there a few times now. 1 You need to see a doctor urgently. C They’ve just listened to a talk about it. I don’t know what the problem was. My Vacation Job in Australia You will hear a telephone conversation between a woman and a man who works for a holiday company about a holiday she would like to go on. Man: I’ve been on an elephant 9 geography 10 (street) markets 11 magazine. I: Why do perfectly sane, normal people pay up to a thousand pounds a week to make themselves sick?Jane Seaworthy has been finding out. there are 10 questions. 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A. B He lost all his money. 1 You hear part of a conversation in a watch repair In this free English listening lesson from Oxford Online English, a woman talks about her last holiday in Italy. She has a very interesting expression on her face, too. You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. B) A B2 First Test and Train Exam Practice. 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A. B had gone to the shop to get some salad. Where has the woman just come from? in a train carriage. 9 You will hear a man telling his friend about his Welsh language course. My name’s Ian Gerrard and I’m a photographer. The man and the woman are talking about where to go for vacation. You overhear two people talking in a restaurant. Woman: Yes, certainly. For each question, choose the correct answer. It’s always full of people. Woman: No, we’re not. C it’s free. EFset you will hear a man and a woman talking about vacations. I was watching the news. C She made new friends. T/F 3. How was the weather most of the time on the woman’s vacation? 2 You hear a man talking about a car journey he made recently. What are the man and woman mainly discussing? A) A vacation B) A budget C) A company policy D) A conference 2. Woman: Well, it was eight hundred and seventy-five pounds a month, but the price has gone down, so now it’s only 6 You hear a man talking about his travel plans. 18 You will hear a girl talking about going to school. which, of course, comes with a three-year guarantee. Woman: Are you going to bring your guitar to the party?. 18 top/highest. The woman suggests that the man should A try looking online. You will hear a man called Chris Graham talking to a group of students about a vacation job he had in Australia. B presenters tend to lack a background in science. Man: Let’s go and order some coffee from him after basketball practice!. Like always, whenever there is an issue in a relationship that a woman brings up, everyone wants to tell the women specifically to TaLk tO hIM or FiNd a CoMpRoMiSe because you constantly need to agreed on basic etiquette with grown as men. 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B. I’m here to tell you a bit about my career so far, and also about my new book. B Her project was excellent, but her homework was not very good. 17 You will hear a man talking about to his friend about a photograph. At the beginning of a radio play, you hear a girl leaving a message for her friend. I’ve been serious about photography for about a year, maybe a year and a half, but I’ve been taking photos ever since I was little. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 14 physically sick. But plans have changed, so I’m thinking of travelling down the day before – it’s going to be a nine o’clock start now and there’s no way I can get there for that time from where I live. What did the girl enjoy most about the course? A The teacher was great fun. Listen and complete questions 16-20. 2 You hear two people talking about a water-sports 1 You hear two people talking on a bus. Listening Part 3. As you know tomorrow we are having a fire practice so today I need to tell you what to do. The woman feels that the man should go to the meeting because. You will hear the conversation twice. It’s only part-time because he’s still at school. Why is she phoning? A to explain a decision B to give good news C to cancel some plans 3 You hear a man and a woman talking about a holiday. Question 1 . I think I’ve always had a lot of 19 You will hear a man talking about his holiday to his friend. Int: Next on the programme, we’re offering free tickets to go and see a brand new film called A Year in Greenland. Woman: I’m not good enough. M: Hello everyone. Multiple choice: The focus is on genre, identifying speaker feeling, attitude, topic, opinion, purpose, agreement between speakers, gist and detail. Man: Hello. Now this will take just a minute. He A He was impatient. You will hear a man making a telephone call. D was not in the house when the man knocked. 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 A. B buy a new computer. Tell her that lan called from Head Office and we’ve booked her into the April Hotel for two nights. 8 You will hear two people talking about buying a bicycle. You will hear five short extracts in which university students are talking about their next summer vacation. How is the woman traveling? A) By plane B) By bus C) By taxi D) By car 3. This year we’re going to Italy. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. You hear a woman talking to a friend who Part 1 – Questions 1 to 8. On weekdays, a visit to the park costs. Decide if each sentence is TRUE or FALSE. Woman: They have to be – to live in those hot dry places. The woman does not want to A buy a new TV. If you want to know what makes a man miss you, comport yourself when you eventually meet or talk after giving him silence after a breakup. 15 give up early. The tutor is concerned that the student. 12 horses 13 winter 14 motor(-)bike 15 fishing. 17 space(-)ship. Woman: Let’s go or we’ll be late. You will hear a student called Ahmet Kaya talking about his vacation job, which involves working at night. Woman: Can I help you? Man: Yes. You will hear people talking in eight diferent situations. D get a new music system. Why is he angry? A There is a problem with his suit. Passengers should check the message boards for the latest information about the flight departure before going to the gate. Twenty-five A, Green Street? It’s a lovely flat. Jenny: Yes. The man wants to go to a warm place while the woman wants to go to a cold place. Now, I’m going to give you some details. Audioscripts. mark the option that you hear in the dialogue. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to the theatre. 17 groups 18 lessons 19 timetable. 11 What did EFset you will hear a man and a woman talking about vacations. 16 March 17 Images 18 farming. 1 You hear a woman talking about her job. 16 825 / eight hundred and twenty-five. For questions 1 – 8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). Woman: It certainly seems very popular. Talk/Lecture 3. Woman: Thanks for coming today and showing interest in the skiing trip. You hear a man talking on the radio about a play he’s seen at the theatre. Explanation. Why is the speaker Listening Part 1. Which of the man’s compliments does the woman accept? A her ability to remember everything B her choice of accommodation C the speed with which she has 17 You will hear two friends talking about a drawing course. 6 You hear a woman talking about horse riding. Why aren't the man and woman going together? Man: I like saving money, but the post’s always so slow. 17 15 / fifteen 18 2 / two 19 sofa 20 Monday. There aren’t any mountains around here. Test Tip. It’s normal to feel some sensation hearing his voice again or seeing him after some days. 2 You hear a Example 1: First you will hear a short conversation: Next you will read three questions with four possible answers: 1. Woman: Oh yes. In Part Listening Part 1. B a family friend. C his own savings. That’s the television. She looks as though she’s done something that she really regrets. What job did the man hire somebody else to do? A building the furniture B painting the room C making the window 4 Part 2 Questions 9 – 18 You will hear part of a talk about a bank robbery that was Guy here: to me that’s a red flag if you’re looking to find a stable and healthy relationship. You hear two people talking about a water-sports Man: If you look on the map, we’re just here. If we’re going the right way, we’ll drive past the train station soon. Doctors Marsh, Green and Clifford 6 You hear a student talking about his idea for a project with his tutor. C get advice from an expert. 1 You are visiting a friend when you hear him answer the telephone. The man is surprised because A did not hear the man ring the bell. Man: Yes, it does get very busy, but you never have to You will hear people talking in eight diferent situations. B They’ve just watched a video about it.